Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Native American Webquest

Today we began work on a webquest where everyone divided into groups and each group investigated a different tribe that lived in North America during the 1400's and 1500's.  The point of this assignment is to show that there were millions of Native Americans living in North America when Europeans arrived discrediting the old idea that Columbus and Europeans "discovered" America.

We started class talking about why geese fly in a V formation and then talked about the rules for cooperative learning.  1) Have a positive attitude 2) Listen to all ideas with an open mind 3) Everyone actively participates 4) Everyone in the group should be ready to present.

Homework: Due Thursday: complete assignment #4.  This assignment involves labeling several Native American tribes on the map labeled #4 in your unit.  You need to use the map in your text book on page 13.  Also, please begin studying for a short map quiz on Friday.  

This is the link to the webquest


Check out the link with the information about why geese fly in a V formation and see what we can learn from this story.


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