Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Monday!

There was no homework over the weekend!

Today we continued our discussion of Native Americans by comparing and contrasting the Great Plains Tribes with the Iroquois Nation.  Make sure your chart for assignment #3 is complete.  We put all of the information on the board today.
Your stories should be complete.

Homework: Get quiz signed 
Actively read three pages in assignment #6.  You will find the reading in the back of your unit and it is marked assignment #6.  There is a graphic organizer for this assignment but we will do that in class.  YOu should actively read the assignment and answer the following question on this blog. 

Do you see any examples of how the Jews, Christians, Greeks, and Romans have influenced our government today?  Include at least three examples.


  1. I think that the Romans influenced us by bringing new ideas and things to America.

  2. Yes i do see examples of how the Jews, Christians, Greeks and Romans have influenced our government today; we still have the same religious laws today, Like the Romans the people in our government our chosen by everyone, and the Romans would have court like we do today.

  3. I do see examples of this and some of them are; Like the Romans did we have court, Our government is chosen by the people, and we believe that you are innocent until you are proven guilty. -Lili

  4. THis is not working for me!!!!!

  5. 1. The Jews believed that every one had a spot in the world and now, America is a free country.

    2. The Athenians believed that they could act for themselves.

    3. A senate made the laws.

  6. The Romans inspired our government to be part republic, the Greeks inspired our government to be part democracy, and the Jews inspired us to believe in the Ten Commandments.


  7. Do you see any examples of how the Jews, Christians, Greeks, and Romans have influenced our government today? Include at least three examples.

    the ten comandment are like our lawers a little because we have to follow our laws.
    The athenians belived thy could act for themselves which made USA a free country.
    We now have republic and democratic

  8. I think the greeks have infuenced the public to run for office. The romans influenced public voting. They both influenced a government system.

  9. I think that all religions have influenced the voting. The Jews have the ten commandments that are similar to laws, because you have to follow them! Religion influences which political party that people tend to join and vote for.

    -Annie Gitter


Please place your answer to the question in this box.