Monday, August 22, 2011

Active Reading

Today in class we talked about how reading a textbook is very different from reading a novel.  We practiced using the Active Reading bookmark which is a slow process until you get the hang of it.  All 6th graders should read actively every time we read in history class, which means there should be lots of marks in your book.

Homework for tonight is: 1) Complete Assignment #3 in Unit 1.  This assignment has an active reading part and a written part.  Don't forget the graphic organizer. 
2) Review unit with your parents and get it signed 
3) Label your tabs in your binder with the following labels: current unit, notes, tests/quizzes, and journal.

1 comment:

  1. Ms perlis it's Anthony and accidentally 4got my binder at school. What should I do?


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