Monday, August 20, 2012

iPads are awesome!

On Friday in 6th grade history we talked about the guidelines for using the iPads in our class.  iPads are great and we will be using them throughout the year.

We accessed a site using the iPads called
You can look at the sites again at:

Today we looked at Unit 1 and what we will be studying for the next two and a half weeks.  We completed Assignment #1 where students brainstormed about what they KNOW and what the WANT TO KNOW about the Age of Exploration.

Due Tuesday/Wednesday depending on which day you have class. 

  1. Show your parents the unit and have them sign anywhere on the front page. 
  2. Label your tabs: Current Unit, Tests and Quizzes, Notes, Other
  3. Bring notecards to class.  You will need them on Tuesday/Wednesday.  

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