Thursday, August 23, 2012

Middle Ages

Our focus for Unit 1 will be the Renaissance, but we want to quickly take a few steps back into the Middle Ages to see how an increase in trade and the Crusades made the era possible.  (Notice the vocabulary words.)
Check your school email for instructions on how to complete your homework.  Answer the questions on your own loose leaf paper.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beginning Unit 1: Columbus - Friend or Foe?

All 6th graders survived their first 85 minute history class!  We talked about how to read a textbook which is a new task for the 6th grade.  Everyone should have an Active Reading Bookmark in their textbook.
Assignments 2 and 3 were completed, minus a few definitions we need to finish on Thursday.  The quiz on Monday will include the 13 items placed on the map and the 14 definitions.
I posted all of Unit 1 at the top of the blog.  If you misplace any pages from your unit, you may print them directly from the blog.

HOMEWORK due Thursday: 
Complete Assignment #5. There is a choice of two articles on the Black Death.  You are only required to read one of the two.  If you choose the first articles there are two questions that you should answer.  If you choose the second article, you will write a ONE paragraph journal entry as if you lived in an Italian town during the plague.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

iPads are awesome!

On Friday in 6th grade history we talked about the guidelines for using the iPads in our class.  iPads are great and we will be using them throughout the year.

We accessed a site using the iPads called
You can look at the sites again at:

Today we looked at Unit 1 and what we will be studying for the next two and a half weeks.  We completed Assignment #1 where students brainstormed about what they KNOW and what the WANT TO KNOW about the Age of Exploration.

Due Tuesday/Wednesday depending on which day you have class. 

  1. Show your parents the unit and have them sign anywhere on the front page. 
  2. Label your tabs: Current Unit, Tests and Quizzes, Notes, Other
  3. Bring notecards to class.  You will need them on Tuesday/Wednesday.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome to 6th Grade History - 2012-2013!

Welcome to the first day of 6th grade history!  

Today we will spend some time getting to know each other and talking about what to expect as we study history together this year.  

You will always find lots of helpful information on this blog including an explanation of homework assignments.  Your homework for tonight is to read the class syllabus with your parents.  Both of you should sign the last page and return it to school on Friday, 8/17. You were given a copy of the syllabus in class but you can also access it in the Class Syllabus section at the top of this blog. 

Please participate in the poll to the right side of the blog!  

Quote of the week: 

Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so.  After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do.  ~Margaret Laurence