Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sorry for the delay!

I posted to the blog on Thursday but it seems that there may have been a problem because the post did not appear.  PLEASE remember that Net Community and the blog are only a back up for your planner.  You should write down your homework every day.  It is posted on the Smart Board each day when you enter the classroom.  If you are confused or frustrated about homework, please DO NOT WAIT, email me immediately so we can fix the problem.

On Thursday we had our first day of note taking.  I talked about how note taking requires students to multi-task.  You have to listen, write, watch for words or phrases on the board, and pay attention to pictures on the Smart Board.  I was very impressed with all of the 6th graders who did an excellent job of keeping up and staying engaged during class.

Homework for Thursday night was to study for the vocab quiz.  Homework for the weekend was Assignment #10.  I hope everyone saw my email regarding the puzzles.  ALL 6th GRADERS SHOULD CHECK THEIR SCHOOL EMAIL EVERY DAY.  If a teacher is trying to get in touch with you, the message will be on your email. 

Below is the guided note taking we worked in class, if you would like to review or you need another copy.

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