Saturday, September 29, 2012

Notebooks Due Monday!

Explorer's Notebooks Due Monday! 
Everyone has worked very hard on the project for Unit 2, the Explorer's Notebook.  I can't wait to see all the creative projects.  Below you will find the check list for the project make sure you include every part and you consult the rubric to see how each part will be graded. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Unit 2 is posted

Look at the top of the blog page and you will see that Unit 2 is now posted.  If you need copies of any of the unit pages, you may print them from the blog.

Due Thursday, 9/20  Finish notecards in Assignment 1 
Due Friday, 9/21: Assignment 2 
Due Monday, 9/24: Assignment 3 

On Thursday you will choose your explorer for the notebook project.  

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hurricane Isaac Finally Left Us!

Wow, what a week.  Most of us fled the heat and lack of electricity to places with an abundance of air conditioning.  Missing four days of school sure makes it seem like we are starting over.  Our class will move quickly to finish Unit 1 so we can stay on track with our schedule for the year.

Due Monday, 9/10: Assignment #8 
Due Tuesday/Wednesday: Assignment #10 
Normally we will take tests during the 85 minute period so there is plenty of time for everyone.  Due to the missed days for the hurricane and the upcoming holiday for Rosh Hashana this will not be possible for Unit 1.  Therefore, all sixth graders will take the multiple choice portion of the test in class on Friday, 9/14.  Assignment #10 requires the students to write a paragraph from the perspective of the Taino tribe on the arrival of Columbus.  This paragraph will count as the essay portion of the test.